Today I got on the wrong metro because I was texting while metro ing, I highly recommend you don't try this at home.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Dont text and metro
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
International spy museum
We toured the museum and then started brainstorming methods and curriculum for their hands on student workshops. After we went to Einstein memorial for group photo and then to old ebbitt grill for group dinner.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
8/23/2013 MLK 50 - SCLC and Rainbow Push Convention on Poverty - The night I prayed with Reverend Jesse Jackson
I arrived to the introduction of Reverend Jessee Jackson. I took a seat in the very front. He began by telling a story of the last meeting with Dr. King before the March. The message he said was he was tired and had a migraine and felt like he couldn't go on. That his own friends were rallying against him. He continued to talk about the reason for the March on Washington was for Legislative Action and that today 50 years later we shouldn't be marching in memory and nostalgia - we should be demanding legislation for the 15th amendment to be explicit in its right to vote. He spoke about how President Carter who monitors elections worldwide can't monitor our own elections because there are different rules in every state. He said you can ref a basketball game in Chicago or L.A. to the same rules. But you can't vote with the same rules.
The panel which included 4 congressmen and women from the national black Caucus including Rep John Conyers all conveyed their understanding of the meaning of it being 50 years since and that the fight continues. There was lots of talk about voting rights in Texas and Nevada and other states in light of the recent supreme court ruling now taking back on the progress that has been made. Rep Jackson was adamant about the idea that because black people turned out in such high numbers and so did Latinos for the President Obama that gerrymandering and new voting rules are attempting to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands.
I was sitting next to Jineea Butler- hall of fame basketball player from New Jersey Long Beach College who is making a difference everyday by innovating and blazing her own path. She has started a we discussed both being coaches and also having a similar mission for STEM education. We plan on reconnecting.
I talked to Darnell Moore whose poetry has been highlighted by President Obama he is a writer, teacher, activist who writes for feminist magazine among many other. We spoke about teaching and about feminism. He asked me to write about WOMEN IN STEM for his publication. Or did I ask him?
I spoke to Allen Shae who had just met with Mark Cuban for his 5 different inventions.
Lastly I asked Rep John Conyers the founding member and dean of the CBC congressional black caucus.
Reverend Jackson closed the evening with a prayer for the people who lost their life in the struggle. People like .....
The panel which included 4 congressmen and women from the national black Caucus including Rep John Conyers all conveyed their understanding of the meaning of it being 50 years since and that the fight continues. There was lots of talk about voting rights in Texas and Nevada and other states in light of the recent supreme court ruling now taking back on the progress that has been made. Rep Jackson was adamant about the idea that because black people turned out in such high numbers and so did Latinos for the President Obama that gerrymandering and new voting rules are attempting to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands.
I was sitting next to Jineea Butler- hall of fame basketball player from New Jersey Long Beach College who is making a difference everyday by innovating and blazing her own path. She has started a we discussed both being coaches and also having a similar mission for STEM education. We plan on reconnecting.
I talked to Darnell Moore whose poetry has been highlighted by President Obama he is a writer, teacher, activist who writes for feminist magazine among many other. We spoke about teaching and about feminism. He asked me to write about WOMEN IN STEM for his publication. Or did I ask him?
I spoke to Allen Shae who had just met with Mark Cuban for his 5 different inventions.
Lastly I asked Rep John Conyers the founding member and dean of the CBC congressional black caucus.
Reverend Jackson closed the evening with a prayer for the people who lost their life in the struggle. People like .....
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Notes on Day - Broadening Access and Participation in STEM Education Through Technology: Promises and Challenges.
women tech makers -
developer culture -
GOOGLE IO - techy parties around the world.. TEDeX meeting twice a day.
momentum of people getting together.
digitally adjacency
to someone -
how are we collaborating with the collective talent - to cause amazing things to happen in EDUCATION?
can search trends in words
interesting idea - against violent extremism - conference - save conference summit against violent extremism - once they met - they are now digitally connected personally.
violence against women -
We are networked like crazy except where we are not? Africa - 900million talented people not in the conversation.
innovation in mobile phone is changing Africa - yet most is text and voice - not data -
GOOGLE project LOON - balloon project
Kenya - mpesa - best mobile phone payment markets used during crisis response
new media companies emerging - (my idea for ......collaboration ed center)
instead of people bringing idea in a missionary way - we can go to places and find the amazing resources, the entrepreneurs in location to rise.....
Dr. Marian Wolf of Tufts and Negraponte - bring android tablets to places where no body can read.
research question - for the kids on the most extreme edge can they teach themselves and then join-
winners oof google science fair - let them connect
Course Builder
How do we help our master teachers help us
Figure out how to get master teachers disrupt from within....using technologies to integrate and get these teachers connected.
ex: Kahn Academy
Watch Daphnew Koller's ted talk - about personalized learning. - can we move the content to homework time. flipped learning.
1st robotics - amazing - nationals - 10 % of incoming MIT class does First Robotics
How do we leverage the technology to get the content of the lecture out of the classroom and get the debate, hands on theater, more fun stuff into the classroom.
In Effort there is Joy - quote of 3rd grade teacher - Laura Burgess
No longer have science class - now call it Project Time
21st century is less at about content and about learning to learn, collaboration, inclusion, academic passion, etc.
Inclusion - we teach in a way that only gets a certain group of kids excited.
Harvey Mudd solved the problem of computer science having women involved - they made it a mission to solve it and they did this by addressing the stereotypes
1. kids didn't understand the impact of CS on the world. ex - the mobile phone has had the largest impact on poverty.
2. give them more applications
3. they made 2 tracks - one for kids with lots of experience and one track for kids who don't have any
4. taught the kids who were showing off to be helpful - rise to management to change the culture
5. got kids into industry fast - helped them have internships to get experience
6. children's television is 3-1 men on screen - no characters that play any type of STEM role on television.
Get textbooks to highlight the important roles of minorities in discovery - they were there.
Kathrine Johnson - calculated the trajectories for NASA
we need to know about the women's accomplishments
same with minorities
what if kids got to make moonshots from elementary school -
ideas, prototypes, projects, products/business
why can't school be design thinking - start business
10x, not 10%
2/3 of the time say YES AND 1/3 say YES BUT
meaning how can we help more often critique less often
WHATS YOUR <X> what's your passion?
How do you implement all this in the current culture on math and reading.
In Vietnam they are starting computer programming at 2nd grade
my question about -hoo to get the minorities into text books - she answered- more films like ARGO in Hollywood.....get producers involved.
Single out a single educational technology -
How to make web safe for kids - - classrooms network
YouTube EDU - green labeled for use in education
Ester Wajyski - journalism teacher - has flipped her classroom - best teacher in America -
most of the real innovation in education in the youtube - apps for edu - shared collaborative docs, instead of kids said don't copy - focus on cloud based.
couple specific groups that do stem outreach -
to get all kids to be digitally literate -
?for Megan Smith - what avenues are you taking to get Hollywood to display more + STEM role models?
SRI International -
adoption of online courses has outpaced research on HOW TO IMPLEMENT TO LEARN MOST EFFECTIVELY
Studied fully online courses report - Supporting K-12 Students in Online Learning - A review of algebra 1 courses.
key findings:
a need to clarify common core alignment and methods for assessing it.
more in-system support for at risk students
leverage system data
Online Education in Community Colleges -
by Shanna Smith Jaggars
students who take online courses do worse.
2/3 of community college students are not academically prepared and have to take development courses.
most taking online are white, prepared and $advantaged
Nick Martin Founder and CEO of TECHCHANGE
design online courses and learning management system
-puts mobile learning first
Panel - similarities and differences between online Ed and MOOCs
MOOC - impossible for instructor to assist students
flipped MOOC - access content at home and then come into class and discuss
MOOC is one aspect of online learning.
how to create a MOOC based on constructivist educational practice - instead of 1 expert sage on the stage.
There is potential in MOOC for informal learning and networking - but it is just beginning.
Georgia Tech is working on a 6,000 degree through a MOOC
Lots of concerns about the quality of pedagogical approach and content coverage.
Seems a lot more review and formal procedures needed to give a level of certainty about the learning.
Are there certain disciplines and students that work best for MOOCs?
Self Confident Autonomous Learners.
Online Courses assume this level of confidence - are self selecting - and don't help build this confidence.
Also self selects for attention spans.
MOOCs are so boring.
Online learning needs to compete with cognition aspects and make the MOOC videos shorter!
Most student in traditional classroom don't teach self directed learning.
We need to develop the skills to
assumptions about technology skills as well.
Average age are older and more confident.
Follow the Universal Guidelines for Learning.
POLICY and Practice Recommendations
- move away from one size fits all.
- understand certain approaches work better for different group of students
- build in adaptability and flexibility to personalize the learning
- advocating onsite support
- On site mentor for additional support to complement
- IN PLACE Support
- We should slow down, not outpace the research. Ex: California - move to have all colleges accept credit from ANY online course provider. This notion is flawed since we don't know how effective these courses are.
- Shift to a competency model instead of hours model.
- We are stuck on the idea that a degree is this many hours in a classroom - instead demonstrate knowledge to show you have passed learning.
- potential for DATA on how we learn is amazingly huge for MOOCs.
- build in more opportunities for building in communities.
- need to feel connected.
- create links in and among students.
- capturing data on who is taking classes is the great potential - but this is not happening.
- take a step back from looking at individual products - look across courses for the essential features for student success.
- ex. virtual coach, virtual manipulative, discussion board, etc
- look at courseware data about engagement and time used for manipulative.
- design and aesthetics are so important to participation - gamification in k-12 learing.
- great course at UPENN about gamification.
- Using virtual avatar
The MOOCs ability to flatten the field for learning for minorities, yet this is not currently the case.
MOOCs are broadening access for students who work and have kids.
WE NEED TO PAIR ACCESS WITH SUCCESS - otherwise we create a viscous cycle
My Idea - how about MOOCs for teacher training on 21st century teaching. take moocs at night and then go to class everyday.
we need to incentivize motivating students through their entire career instead of dropping out or instead of as MOOC myopic focus of cheapening the cost of education solely.
Stanford education labs - is doing more collaborative thinking.
multiple choice is very limited.
find new ways of assessment and collaboration
most assessment is focused on M/C which is not the best way to measure learning. Many people can answer correctly a question but don't understand the concepts.
How do we have more authentic meaningful assessment.
Coursera has peer review - graded by peers -
collaborative classrooms to get to assessment.
teachers are building ways to incorporate discussion based assessments and project
adobe connect session to have students work together on a project.
phone based assessments .
peer to peer interaction - to form smaller social networks and groups.
Megan Smith speaks about - Class on MIT called HOw to Make almost anything. - FABLAB -
movement across the world for techshop, fablab, 3-d printers, common space - movement -
Less lecture hall and more project based interaction.
portable lab devices that allow students to work together from different locations?
incorporate hands on or problem based learning into MOOC to make them more fun.
Ryan Baker , gates foundation, - studies engagement of digital technologies, by studying on and off task behavior....
Self directed learning in MOOCs - should include pacing guides - dashboard - color coding - speedometer type thing.....foreshadowing grade based on current performance. Add scaffolds into the courseware
Cognitive Tutors?
Panel - Portable Technologies and Mobile Computing
Yacob Astake - runs summer camps for STEM
gives the lecture notes as homework - flipped classroom -
then has an engaging activities in classroom.
they then can interact more with teacher than spending time taking notes.
Phone APP = - quests
open learning initiative at Carnegie Mellon - tutors.
We are lacking the science behind educational technology.
educational games on mobile devices - written by Eric Hopper at MIT is encouraging reading around the world.
the best way to get teachers to keep up with technology - is to have teachers give workshops
also large corporations
through Verizon - program called infinity
difficulty is the time required to learn it.
Jodie List - teacher trainer.
Show teachers a value in the technology -
VALUE - saves time -
The gate keeper (principal) needs to be open minded to change and understand the value.
Remember the game SNake - instead of just building a snake - now you have to build a word....
BBC has some learning apps that have reached large scale.
biometric features on cell phones will be very helpful to allow multiple users to share a device.
PANEL - Gamification
Fun Theory
volkswagon fun theory contest
candycrush is an example
badges, scoring, leader board
digital legos 8-14
mine craft teacher! what a great idea
uses minecraft to teach chemistry.
solvepuzzles for science -
teaches protein folding
great game for origami - for B.G.
in 2011 60,000 players playing foldit solved an HIV problem that had stymied scientist for 20 years.
what areas of my life can I benefit from gamification
gamification - is a form of manipulation -
Electronic Visualization Laboratory - celebrating 40 years
computer graphics for the first star wars movie
coined term scientific visualization
Human Augmentics - what my daughter turns to much in her science text book.
20 foot canvas - fun app.
biggest star wars video game on youtube.
1. problem solving engages multiple modalities
visual, physical, mental, auditory, social,
2. feedback is instantaneous
3. rewards are frequent. they reward you for failure, unlike life
celebrate failure - count down clock
4. challenges, problems, goals are presented in short episodes with controlled increase in difficulty
(boss fight) instruction manual to read
6. surprises make events memorable.
7. revolves around your schedule - save the progress and resume at anytime. cant do that in school.
algebra game for educators
TUCKER from Wilson Center
Energy -
systems of instruction are not doing as well as we need them to do based on how people learn.
only 12 percent of Americans pass a basic energy test
PHET from Colorado for making simulations
new technologies need to be used to change how we learn to improve the learning curve - using games - self directed learning -
with mentor, and constructive experiences with group.
policy games
budget hero.
Dr. Judy Cameron - created policy game -
games can help with social issues
water use
energy use
games allow people to have experiences (cognitive science) that are different from their normal. Games can teach empathy.
Flanagan at Dartmouth teaches the same material through different techniques using non digital means.
Gender differences in gaming -
Glass Lab - transforms sim city into instructional tool. -
National STEM Video Game Challenge
global game jam is a big gathering for games
CDC is doing a health game jam.
don{t forget about cooperative games not just competitive games.
Panel - MAKERS
Maker Education Initiative
- young makers,
- maker corps
- maker vista
- every child a maker
Super Awesome Sylvia - show on youtube. com
Make Magazine - central organ of makers.
Kipp Bradford
• Engineer Of The Future •
Asks questions - "where are all the makers "why aren't makers more representative of the broader make up of our community, nation.
We are the black makers.
Innovation Institute.
The role of mentors in communities and the correlation of the gender of the mentor and the possibility of the women going into STEM fields.
again with FabLab and TechShop
3-D Printing
Tactile Graphics for the blind - amazing!
viz touch
COGNIZANT - IT consulting company - 160,000 globally.
MakerFair - Circ de Solle of Science Festival
Cognizant Maker Faire
Kids in underserved communities just need a place to go, and tinker, take things apart, and build and become makers.
Why would students go into STEM FIELDS if they don't know anyone who is in a STEM field!
Note to parent - don't stereo type our daughters.
ED Dieterle - Broadening Access and Participation in STEM Education Through Personalized Learning.
believes every person deserves the chance to live a health and productive life
1. optimism
2. collaboration
3. rigor
4. innovation
if your not failing every once and a while then you aren't trying very hard
if you want to run fast run alone if you want to run far - run together.
(annual letter online)
55,000,000 students
priority of foundation - provide acceleration in core areas for kids who are behind
what percentage of students are college ready without any remediation - 36% are academically ready!!! WHAT - 2/3 are not ready for college
Sub groups -
only 17% of low income and minority students are academically ready!
Broadening Access and Participation in Stem Education through Personalized Learning - Chris Dede
The future is here - it is just NOT EVENLY DISTRIBUTED!
Technologies are not born equally.
We should look for technologies that are born into the digital ecosystem but they are instrumented and look at the log files and digital artifacts and use that info to inform the system, give real time feedback to the learner and adults in the person's life.
ONE True Adaptive Learning at this time
need dream box for infants - pre kindergartner
math video game - on dream box for kindergarten.
value = benefit divided by cost
tricirular - implementation, impact, cost
impact studies -
What is the value of learning innovation?
1. what is the impact on learning
2. what are the essential implementation elements
3. what does it cost
what if we could make value statements about one opportunity compared to another.
instead of saying what is the IMPACT - say no what is the VALUE!
Fund into annual markets
Stacy Childress - leads the next generation learning team.
Where does my work - fit into the market space?
only 8% of children in the US in the lowest quartile complete college?
How do we go from 95% in 8th grade say they will go to college to 8%?
Non cognitive factors?
Learning requires and college readiness requires academic tenacity.
Policy - we live in Washington DC - 70 square miles surrounded by reality
Personal DATA is the new oil. Could this DATA fall outside of public good into private hands?
?isn't data already being privatized?
Policy -
Proposed revision to the Common Rule - is about to be advised. NAIH is a powerful voice in the conversation.
Cultural challenges and opportunities
Three Little Pigs Kill Wolf Video
More and more people are getting involved.
The Learning Analytics Workgroup at The Gate Foundation -
personalized learning at scale -
goal 80% of class of 2025 to graduate college ready up from 35% today.
personalized learning - means tailoring it to meet the needs of the individual but to also put the person back into the equation....they need to have contact hours.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
8/20/2013 STEM Connector - event - Next Steps Institute Town Hall - STEM SCHOOLS IN ACTION.
Today I attended a google hangout hosted by STEM Connector -
called the Next Steps Institute Town Hall - STEM SCHOOLS IN ACTION.
called the Next Steps Institute Town Hall - STEM SCHOOLS IN ACTION.
STEM Education Events - Triangle Coalition
| |
STEMconnector(r)/Next Steps Institute will hold a Google+ Hangout where experts from the field will report on how "STEM" is being integrated into schools.
1) Engineering is Elementary - Christine Cunningham, PhD, Vice President of Research & Educator Resource Development
2) Notre Dame Center for STEM Education - Matthew Kloser, PhD, Julius A. Nieuwland Director
3) Teach for America - Melissa Moritz, Vice President of Education Initiatives
4) The STEM Academy - Russell Mickelson, CEO
5) S2TEM Centers SC - Dorothy Earle, Education Specialist
6) Science Foundation Arizona - Beth Broome, Manager, STEM Integration
My Notes:
-look into :
20th year - sept 30-oct2nd.
STEM Immersion Model - Beth Broome - Science Foundation Arizona - uses online tools - STEM Immersion Guide - Helps schools determine what their baseline level of STEM activity they have. Helps define vision, shape mission and plan strategy for STEM.
How to gage quality - ?
Full Immersion Level - looks like 21st century workplace rather than traditional school.
Successful elements that are key to STEM school on web site.
Road Map -
my question:
Dorothy Earle - S2TEM Centers SC -
view of where State of S.C. wants to be and the path to get there.
focus on key characteristics to accelerate student success.
stem days, stem classes, stem fairs and e.c. stem clubs -
increasing number of STEM focused schools.
actions taken - website, info, resources and support
theory of action for success for all students - cool image
3SP Program - provides scaffold support to STEM schools.
iSTEM - integrated STEM
Customized Professional Learning Opportunities for Theory of Action.
Dr. Al Gomez - Chief officer at The STEM Academy - responsible for development of k-16 curriculum and pd
author of engineering your future
bringing STEM ed to reality.
google video ASEE keynote gomez
email at for presentation
ncte is 175 + schools
the problem is reaching too low
Chrstine Cunningham - museum of science , boston - engineering is elementary
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome!
focusing on TandE in STEM.
What should a classroom with all 4 STEM look like?
step back from subjects - and mechanics and think about habits of mind that you would want in a stem school. Primary goal of engineering education.
-habit of mind in engineering principles
- problem solving through a simple engineering design process
- innovation
- this process can be used across disciplines
- embrace science and math integration
- persistence and failure is a necessary part to learning
-found that this increases likelihood of remembering math
- children who use EIE materials score better across subjects.
- are more likely in engineering as a career
Matthew Kloser - Notre Dame Center for STEM Education
Partnering projects in Latino areas. through University Diocesan collaboration
third grade results in 3 years have increased incredibly in STAR scores. Trying to get students to grade level.
Melissa Moritz - Vice President of ED Initiatives for TEACH FOR AMERICA
lives in DC
100 women leaders in STEM
Teach for America STEM Initiative
launched in 2006 thanks to AMGEN
Notices that different schools need different approaches.
STEM landscape is different for different schools
Project Lead the Way
Special Computer Science Project in NYC - exploring computer science curriculum
For schools to achieve
- just because deemed stem school doesn't mean it will be successfsul
focus on leadership, human capital, opportunities for teacher to grow and develop, high expectation for all, rigorous and challenging content, strong culture of achievement
?How to start from scratch?
STEMX is a national network of networks.
answer: in interdisciplinary work they all belong....IT IS NOT AN ACRYNM it is a philosophy
?best way to engage students?
more than a decade in EandT.
Engineering is Elementary (EIE) has units prepared
also has EIE story books
Friday, August 16, 2013
August 14th - Challenger Center Event at the Russell Senate Office Building
Tonight was my first event as an Einstein Fellow. I met an good friend and colleague Mary Liscombe, director of the Christa McAuliffe Challenger Center in Framingham MA.
I met an astronaut, an astronauts wife, fellow educators, a senators aide, and many dedicated Challenger Center staff including the board.
Steve tagged along and we talked alot about why students don't take science AP in high school.
I had to walk on 1st street right by the library of congress, capitol and supreme court on my way to the Russell Building.



I met an astronaut, an astronauts wife, fellow educators, a senators aide, and many dedicated Challenger Center staff including the board.
Steve tagged along and we talked alot about why students don't take science AP in high school.
I had to walk on 1st street right by the library of congress, capitol and supreme court on my way to the Russell Building.


Chief Medical Officer & Director, UTMB Center for Polar Medical Operations
Former NASA Astronaut
Former NASA Astronaut
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
My first day riding in as a Fellow
I am not going to lie, I am honored and proud to be an Einstein Fellow. I am excited to be working on educational issues on a national level. It sounds like I am bragging when asked so what do you do and my response is well, I am an Einstein Education Fellow. But heck, it is true and it is awesome. I am so looking forward to this year, this experience, this opportunity to make a difference.
Today I rode the yellow line metro from the Pentagon into LeFante Plaza.
So many feelings. First I didn't know you could get so close to the Pentagon. The metro is right there!
Then when crossing the Potomac the Metro goes above ground and you get this amazing view of the Washington Monument. I was like, no way, is this real. I had a huge and I mean huge sense of pride that I was entering the Nations Capital to work on educational policy at the national level. I have been to DC many times so I was shocked when all of a sudden goose bumps rushed over me as I realized the magnitude and significance of my fellowship. Sure small pebble in a big sea but still, as the pebble is tossed in the air or skipping along the surface for that brief moment it feels great.
Today I rode the yellow line metro from the Pentagon into LeFante Plaza.
So many feelings. First I didn't know you could get so close to the Pentagon. The metro is right there!
Then when crossing the Potomac the Metro goes above ground and you get this amazing view of the Washington Monument. I was like, no way, is this real. I had a huge and I mean huge sense of pride that I was entering the Nations Capital to work on educational policy at the national level. I have been to DC many times so I was shocked when all of a sudden goose bumps rushed over me as I realized the magnitude and significance of my fellowship. Sure small pebble in a big sea but still, as the pebble is tossed in the air or skipping along the surface for that brief moment it feels great.
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