Sunday, August 18, 2013

8/20/2013 STEM Connector - event - Next Steps Institute Town Hall - STEM SCHOOLS IN ACTION.

Today I attended a google hangout hosted by STEM Connector -

called the  Next Steps Institute Town Hall - STEM SCHOOLS IN ACTION.

STEM Education Events - Triangle Coalition
STEMconnector(r)/Next Steps Institute will hold a Google+ Hangout where experts from the field will report on how "STEM" is being integrated into schools. 1) Engineering is Elementary - Christine Cunningham, PhD, Vice President of Research & Educator Resource Development 2) Notre Dame Center for STEM Education - Matthew Kloser, PhD, Julius A. Nieuwland Director 3) Teach for America - Melissa Moritz, Vice President of Education Initiatives 4) The STEM Academy - Russell Mickelson, CEO 5) S2TEM Centers SC - Dorothy Earle, Education Specialist 6) Science Foundation Arizona - Beth Broome, Manager, STEM Integration
My Notes:
-look into :
20th year - sept 30-oct2nd.
STEM Immersion Model - Beth Broome - Science Foundation Arizona - uses online tools - STEM Immersion Guide -  Helps schools determine what their baseline level of STEM activity they have.  Helps define vision, shape mission and plan strategy for STEM.
How to gage quality - ?
Full Immersion Level - looks like 21st century workplace rather than traditional school.
Successful elements that are key to STEM school on web site.
Dorothy Earle - S2TEM Centers SC -
view of where State of S.C. wants to be and the path to get there.
focus on key characteristics to accelerate student success.
stem days, stem classes, stem fairs and e.c. stem clubs -
increasing number of STEM focused schools.
actions taken - website, info, resources and support
theory of action for success for all students - cool image
3SP Program - provides scaffold support to STEM schools.
 iSTEM - integrated STEM
Customized Professional Learning Opportunities  for Theory of Action.
Dr. Al Gomez - Chief officer at The STEM Academy - responsible for development of k-16 curriculum and pd
author of engineering your future
bringing STEM ed to reality. 
google video ASEE keynote gomez
email at for presentation
ncte is 175 + schools
the problem is reaching too low
Chrstine Cunningham - museum of science , boston - engineering is elementary
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome!
focusing on TandE in STEM.
What should a classroom with all 4 STEM look like?
step back from subjects - and mechanics and think about habits of mind that you would want in a stem school.  Primary goal of engineering education.
-habit of mind in engineering principles
 - problem solving through a simple engineering design process
 - innovation
 - this process can be used across disciplines
 - embrace science and math integration
 -  persistence and failure is a necessary part to learning
  -found that this increases likelihood of remembering math
 - children who use EIE materials score better across subjects.
 - are more likely in engineering as a career
Matthew Kloser - Notre Dame Center for STEM Education
Partnering projects in Latino areas. through University Diocesan collaboration
third grade results in 3 years have increased incredibly in STAR scores.  Trying to get students to grade level. 
Melissa Moritz - Vice President of ED Initiatives for TEACH FOR AMERICA
lives in DC
100 women leaders in STEM
Teach for America STEM Initiative
launched in 2006 thanks to AMGEN
Notices that different schools need different approaches.
STEM landscape is different for different schools
Project Lead the Way
Special Computer Science Project in NYC - exploring computer science curriculum
For schools to achieve
- just because deemed stem school doesn't mean it will be successfsul
focus on leadership, human capital, opportunities for teacher to grow and develop, high expectation for all, rigorous and challenging content, strong culture of achievement
?How to start from scratch?
STEMX is a national network of networks.
answer: in interdisciplinary work they all belong....IT IS NOT AN ACRYNM it is a philosophy
?best way to engage students?
more than a decade in EandT.
Engineering is Elementary (EIE) has units prepared
also has EIE story books

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