Saturday, February 14, 2015

Facilitating the Educators Working Group at The Caribbean Clean Energy Technology Sympossium

Register here - 

The Caribbean Clean Energy Technology Symposium (CCETS), jointly hosted by Caribbean Central American Action, the United States Department of Energy, and the Government of the United States Virgin Islands will be a gathering of key stakeholders from the public and private sectors to explore the expanded role that clean energy technologies can play in the electricity, transportation, industrial, and commercial sectors in the region. The 2015 Symposium will be the first in a series of three annual gatherings dedicated to meeting the critical energy needs of the Caribbean.
The goal of the Caribbean Clean Energy Technology Symposium (CCETS) is to bring together countries and sector experts to share best practices and to work together to identify common goals and create peer networks that in-country experts can access as they pursue their energy objectives over the coming months. Achieving the goals highlighted in CCETS will lead to increased access to energy efficiency and clean and renewable energy technologies in Caribbean nations. 
The Symposium will be driven by in-depth discussions and planning sessions focused on key clean energy topics previously identified by government and stakeholders in the region. These topics include, but are not limited to: energy education, economic development, building energy and water efficiency, utilities and renewable energy generation, baseload electricity diversification, climate change and resilience, and clean transportation.
The CCETS will provide an opportunity to have an exchange of ideas on some of the predominant technologies and emerging strategic thinking on regional energy solutions. The working groups will facilitate stakeholder partnerships, peer networks and strategic alliances to build regional capacity and advance the implementation process. 
Principle Objectives:
This Symposium is not structured to be a conference. Instead, it will establish a set of working groups comprised of stakeholders seeking to accomplish the following:
  • To review the energy situation in the Caribbean today; examine what has worked, what has not, and identify opportunities going forward. 
  • To collaborate with Caribbean governments and institutions to support their targets and goals for energy efficiency and clean and renewable energy development.
  • To identify opportunities for countries to green their economies while promoting strong economic development and creating jobs.
  • To increase the focus on renewable energy education at all levels, including K-12, Career and Technical Education (CTE) training, the university level, and training for policy makers and their staff.
  • To provide hemispheric and international expertise and practical case study examples to contribute to decision making and the creation of action plans and peer networks.

Getting the word out through the DOE Blogosphere - one post at a time.

Check out the various activities with which I have played a role at the DOE.  A search for my name on the DOE website bring up 23 results.  Who knew I had been so active?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Clean Energy Investment - major announcement at the ARPA-E Summit

#ActOnClimate includes #ActOnCleanEnergy and the Sec. of the U.S. Department of Energy makes a bold announcement about the future of Clean Energy.

Monday, February 9, 2015

#WHChamps - 8 New Champions of Change Honored at the White House

Myself and my colleague Stephanie Von Numers had a chance to hear panel discussions by the 8 new Champions of Change for Climate Education.  What an incredible experience.

Climate Education and Literacy

These Champions of Change are helping to increase science-based understanding and awareness of current and future climate change, enhancing climate literacy in K-12 classrooms, on college and university campuses, and in parks and museums across the country.

Gina Fiorile is a freshman Environmental Studies major and Aiken Scholar at the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Her passion for the...
Linda Gancitano is a physical education teacher at Driftwood Middle School (DMS) Academy of Health and Wellness, a 2013 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School in Broward County, Florida...
Craig Johnson is a dedicated environmental and climate-change educator at the School of Environmental Studies (SES), a 2013 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School in Apple Valley, MN....
David Lustick is an Associate Professor of Science Education at the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Graduate School of Education, where he conducts research on adult learning and climate-...
John Morris, an Interpretive Program Manager for the National Park Service (NPS) in the Alaska Regional office, recently retired after 34 years of public service. Mr. Morris was one of the first...
Amber Nave serves as the Georgia Program Manager for the Alliance for Climate Education (ACE). Through her work, Amber educates high-school students about climate science and inspires them to take...
Sarah-Mae Nelson is the Conservation Interpreter for the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Online Community Manager for Through collaborations with the National Association...
Amy Snover is the Director of the Climate Impacts Group and Assistant Dean for Applied Research in the University of Washington’s College of the Environment. Amy’s leadership over the past...

At WH Champions of Change