Monday, September 30, 2013

Traingle Coalition STEM Conference

Anyone interested in STEM Education Policy should be a member of the Triangle Coalition.  This event is astounding. What a panel of speakers.

There were really too many notable speakers to name them all.  But one person whose work has greatly influenced me after reading her paper is Dr. Andresse St. Rose - who cowrote -
Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

I also had a personal epiphany during the conference.  I believe the more we talk about STEM being a white male dominated field the more harm we do, as we reinforce the idea that it is a scary place for a woman or minority to want to invest years of study.  Rather we should be simply focusing on the rewards of STEM and on each individuals capabilities.  We need to never utter the STEMism of White Male Dominated again. Let it die with the problem and lets just address the solution.  is doing incredible things for elementary STEM Ed.

Here is a photo with The Honorable Dot Harris, Director, Office of Economic Impact and Diversity who gave a rousing speech on her life story and the need for us to address issues facing diversity in STEM.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rayburn House of Representatives

Today I got my hair cut and shoes shined in the Rayburn Building.  What an experience. The walls of the barber shop were covered with photos of many present and passed who had graced the halls of Congress.

                                   these are the fountains right beside 

this is the view from the front of the Rayburn building.

Monday, September 9, 2013

American Institute for Research - Symposium on PIAAC

 AIR symposium 

the results from PIAAC are coming out Tuesday 10/8/2013 expect more posts on this topic.

The results should allow a much greater understanding of workforce needs and gaps. This is the missing piece from the TIMSS and PISA studies.  We now have a full range of data to use to improve our points of entry and improvement. 

Thanks to my DOE EERE fellowship sponsor Linda Silverman for inviting me. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week #1 as A.E.F.

It is official.  I now have a badge and access to the Department of Energy - working in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.   Today as I commute on the metro I see the Washington Monument and am filled with a sense of joy knowing that I am about to work on national education efforts towards a more energy efficient and renewable energy society.

I stand up straight and get lost looking out the window as we cross the Potomac River.  I am living my dream. Ever since I was a little boy I wanted to be a teacher, like my mother, father, grandfather and uncle.  I also have wanted to play an important role in shifting our society towards a more green and environmentally sustainable future.

How will this experience be for my family and what is next keeps rolling through my head?

Before my first week even began the ball was already rolling towards a unique educational future path as I attended the S.C.L.C conference prior to the March on Washington 50. Then joined the Urban League for some pre march speeches.  I had a chance to go the Challenger Center event at the Senate Building where I met so many incredible people.  Especially my good friend and first science education mentor Mary Liscombe.  My family has gone to many a museum, attended the Costa Rica independence day festivities at the Ambassador's house and settled in.

See photos of the first few weeks prior to the start of AEF 2013-2014
orientation week

 first trip to Air and Space